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That´s what we stand for.

Our vision
We want to be your firm partner for a safe yield, high plant quality and an easy application. We want to make you more successful. The focus of our product development is on the respective cultivated plant with its specific requirements, always one step ahead and only accepting the best solution possible.

Our mission
We know and unterstand our customers, their obstacles, demands and interests. Together with the farmers we develop convincing and powerful solutions, that get you ahead. Solutions, that are profitable, easy to apply, safe and sustainable. Thus, we exploit the yield potential of the cultivated plants to the fullest and create modern agriculture.

Innovation/product development
We look at the plant holistically, starting from the breeding to our focal points plant nutrition and plant protection. Thereby we keep an eye on everything for more plant power: crop-specific requirements, environmental influences, easy application and the preservation of the nature. With Phytoplanta, your enterprise is sustainable, also regarding strict fertilizer and plant protection regulations.

Our solutions are sustainable, because they work, conserve resources and are biodegradable. We analyze the plant holistically to develop the best plant nutrition possible. Only crop-specific solutions for the best plant performance optimally support the genetic potential of the plant and are more environmentally friendly than fertilizers broadly applied to more crops. Target-specific solutions for best plant performance beat broad-based, imprecise universal fertilizers in terms of sustainability, support the genetic potential of the plant and enable best plant performance. We achieve more yields for the farmers with less product input and protect the environment.

Listening, understanding and trust is the basis on which we build when dealing with our customers, suppliers and employees in order to achieve the best possible together.

Our benchmark is the needs of the local arable and fruit farms. In our daily work we put ourselves in the perspective of the farmers, we focus on the user and his experience in the application. What are his advantages by using our products? How is the applicability? Does he get an exact recommendation?

Market development
We act global and keep a precise eye on the specific requirements of the single markets. Our international distribution network enables a healthy and orderly growth, whether in introducing new products or improving the existing portfolio.