Green On®

Targeted micronutrient supply for critical growth phases
Green On® Cereals is the micronutrient foliar fertilizer for efficient plant nutrition in cereal cultivation. In our highly effective foliar fertilizer for cereals, the trace elements manganese, zinc and copper are bound as stable chelates with the amino acid glycine (MicroGo technology). This ensures that the nutrients are absorbed very quickly via the leaf and distributed in the plant in order to develop their full effect. Green On® Grain ensures an optimized supply of trace nutrients for all types of grain, and nothing is lost in the process! This is because all the ingredients of the water-soluble MicroGo chelates are fully available to the plant and help your cereal crop to exploit its full potential for higher yields.
Your cereals benefit from this:
- Manganese, zinc and copper supply gaps during bolting and yield plant differentiation are prevented.
- Crop development and frost hardiness are ensured.
- Zinc and copper improve nitrogen efficiency and increase the crude protein content.
- The interaction of zinc, copper and manganese with glycine reduces yield losses due to heat and drought stress.
- Higher lignin storage due to copper reduces susceptibility to storage.
Green On® Grain can be used on all common types of grain such as spring and winter wheat, spelt, barley, rye, oats and triticale. With its perfect water solubility and pH-reducing effect, Green On® Cereals can be mixed very well with common crop protection products and also optimizes their effect.
The result: more growth, vitality and yield.

(additional yield determined in exact trials with yield increases of 2 - 6 dt/ha and market prices of €21.41/dt for bread wheat and €18.05/dt for feed wheat)
Effect - Combination is the key!
Green On® Cereals is the foliar fertilizer that is precisely tailored to the needs of cereals during critical growth phases. The interaction of the individual micronutrients zinc, copper and manganese with glycine makes the difference.
In other words:
- The combination of zinc, copper and manganese with glycine reduces yield losses due to heat and drought stress.
- Manganese and zinc ensure strengthened cell tissue and better root development.
- Accelerated juvenile development has a positive effect on the winter hardiness of the grain.
- Zinc protects the plant tissue from high levels of solar radiation.
- Copper supports the graining process.
- Zinc and copper prevent premature leaf ageing and prolong grain filling.
MicroGo technology
MicroGo chelates are precisely defined molecules of micronutrients chelated with the smallest amino acid glycine and a sulphur residue.
Find out more about our innovative MicroGo technology

Efficient in the field
Good results in the field!
Grain yield, crude protein and TGW can be specifically improved by using Green On®. Increased N removal with the harvested crop shows that Green On® also contributes to improved nitrogen efficiency. This makes it possible to save on nitrogen fertilizer without loss of yield if the grain is specifically supplied with Green On® cereals.

FiBL listed
Green On® cereals is listed in the list of organic production inputs in Germany. This means that it has also been tested for German production in accordance with the Bioland, Demeter, Gäa, Biokreis, Naturland and Demeter International standards.
Fertilizer recommendation for cereals

Applied early, Green On® promotes juvenile development and tillering. Subsequent application up to BBCH 49 supports intensive growth and the development of yield components.
Grain type | Application times | Application rate |
Winter wheat, rye, triticale, spelt | BBCH 29 – 32 BBCH 37 – 49 |
500 g/ha* each |
Winter barley | BBCH 14 - 24 BBCH 29 - 37 |
500 g/ha* each |
Spring barley, wheat, oats | BBCH 14 - 24 BBCH 29 - 37 |
500 g/ha* each |

You can find more information about the product on our downloads page.
Are you also interested in foliar fertilizers for other crops? Discover the entire Green On® product portfolio!