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Green On®

Fertilize maize precisely with water-soluble and fully plant-available MicroGo chelates, together with the crop protection applications, for more growth and strength.

Mastering cold and drought stress - harvesting energy!

Green On® Maize is the micronutrient foliar fertilizer for efficient plant nutrition in maize that helps you get the most out of your maize - even in stressful situations. Provide your maize crop with an optimum supply of the water-soluble micronutrients zinc and manganese via the leaf right from the start (BBCH 14-18). The nutrients are formulated with the amino acid glycine as stable chelates (MicroGo technology) and together with boron, which is also completely water-soluble. This ensures that the nutrients are absorbed very quickly via the leaf and distributed throughout the plant. All ingredients are fully available to the plant so that your maize plants can exploit their full yield potential.

And this is how your maize benefits:
Juvenile development and root growth are improved by Green On® maize when applied early together with foliar-active herbicides. 
Growth inhibition due to herbicide and cold stress is alleviated.
Zinc improves assimilation performance and strengthens growth by intensifying cell division.
Boron and zinc promote fertilization and grain set (BBCH 32-34).
The leaf apparatus is kept vital and active, especially under drought stress.

Green On® Maize can be used on all common grain maize and silage maize varieties, is precisely formulated and perfectly water-soluble. The highly effective foliar fertilizer can be mixed well with common plant protection products, e.g. in tank mixes with herbicides, and additionally optimizes their effectiveness thanks to its pH-reducing effect.

The result: more growth, vitality and yield.

(determined additional yield of 3.2 dt/ha and a grain maize price of 19.77 €/dt in an exact test)

Effect - Combination is the key!

As a foliar fertilizer, Green On® Maize provides your maize plants with all the important nutrients they need - especially under challenging growing conditions. The reason for this is the combination of zinc, manganese, boron and MicroGo chelation with the metabolism-activating amino acid glycine as a fully plant-available formulation.

In detail, this means

  • The nutrient combination alleviates growth inhibition caused by herbicide and cold stress.
  • Zinc improves assimilation performance and strengthens growth by intensifying cell division.
  • Manganese strengthens lateral root formation and promotes a good stand of maize.
  • Zinc and manganese in combination with glycine keep the leaf apparatus vital and productive for longer under drought stress.
  • Boron and zinc promote fertilization and grain set (BBCH 32-34).

Micronutrients in Green On® corn

14,1 % Zn | 6,3 % Mn | 2,8 % B | 4,5 % N | 10,1 % S
Micronutrients chelated with glycine  

MicroGo technology

MicroGo chelates are precisely defined molecules of micronutrients chelated with the smallest amino acid glycine and a sulphur residue.
Find out more about our innovative MicroGo technology.

Efficient in the field

Increased yield through early Green On® treatment: The juvenile development of maize is often inhibited by cold and herbicide stress. Exact trials have shown that a Green On® maize treatment achieves a significant increase in yield even at this early stage.

Treatment with Green On® corn at the 5-leaf stage improves the vitality of plants under severe drought stress.

FiBL listed

Green On® corn is listed in the list of inputs for organic production in Germany. This means that it has also been tested for German production in accordance with the Bioland, Demeter, Gäa, Biokreis, Naturland and Demeter International standards.

Fertilizer recommendation for corn

We recommend applying Green On® Corn early from the 4-leaf stage (e.g. in a tank mix with foliar-active herbicides) to improve juvenile development and increase yield. Subsequent application during BBCH 32-34 also promotes fertilization and grain set.

Our experts are glad to be at your disposal.