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Green On Yield

Green On products are tailored to crop needs. In combination, Green On Growth first for vegetative growth, followed by Green On yield for fruit set and fruit development, Green On products are the best solution for every crop.

Green On Yield: Essentials for Fruit Set and Fruit Quality

Ensure optimal fruit set and quality with Green On Yield. Our blend of essential nutrients supports pollination and fruit set, improving fruit retention and reducing fruit drop. Control blossom end rot and strengthen your crops against pests and diseases. Achieve a productive canopy that enhances the content of soluble solids (Brix) in fruits, increasing fruit firmness and shelf life.

We recommend applying at the appropriate growth stage for each crop. By combining Green On Yield with Green On Growth, you get the perfect solution for optimal nutrition for your crop. Learn more about the application here.

Nutrients in Green On Yield

9.0 % Ca | 10.0 % Zn |5.0 % Mn |1.0 % Cu | 1.0 % B

For all crops

  • Tropical fruits 
  • Vegetables
  • Rice 
  • Sugar cane


MicroGo chelates are precisely defined molecules of micronutrients chelated with the smallest amino acid glycine and a sulphur residue.
Find out more about our innovative MicroGo technology here

Green On Growth & Green On Yield in the field

Potato yield increased up to +10 % with Green On program compared to farmers practice (FMP) in two independet potato trials.
Strip trials: table potatoes, Thailand, 2023.
2x Green On Growth and 2x Green On Yield

Application recommendation

  Green On Growth Green On Yield
Crop Application rate Application time /
Growth stage
Application rate
Application time /
Growth stage
Bell pepper,
2 x 50 g/rai 4-6 leaf stage
Before Flowering
3 x 50 g/rai 2 weeks after first fruit set
4-5 weeks after first fruit set
8-9 weeks after 1st fruit set
Potato 2 x 50 g/rai Before row closure
Early tuber initiation
2 x 50 g/rai End of tuber initiation
75% of final tuber size
Citrus 2 x 50 g/rai Post harvest foliage flush
Before flowering, bud stage
3 x 50 g/rai After fruit set
Fruit at walnut size
Before fruit discolouring
Durian 2 x 50 g/rai 8-10 weeks before flowering 
After fruit set
4 x 50 g/rai Fruit at tennis ball size
Fruit tennis ball size +50%
Fruit at double tennis ball size
2 month before harvest maturity
2 x 50 g/rai As soon as sufficient leaf area exists
Early bulb formation
2 x 50 g/rai 0% final bulb size
70% final bulb size
2 x 50 g/rai As soon as sufficient leaf area exists
2-3 weeks later
Sugarcane 2 x 50 g/rai Tillering 45-60 days after planting
Early stem elongation, 90-120 DAP
Rice 3 x 50 g/rai Mid tillering
Panicle initiation
Late booting
3 x 50 g/rai 4-6 leaf stage
10-12 leaf stage
Before tasseling

Our experts are at your disposal.